[Kirini Blues] Ep 6. Chain letters

  • DATE : 2020.12.11 09:48
  • HIT : 2,598


✏️...Kirini is writing letters...📝✉️


Remember the coal power plant being constructed build in Samcheok?

Since last year, 🎟they've been issuing corporate bonds to pay a trillion won in construction expenses.😥

However, if financial institutions don't buy 800 billion won of corporate bonds which have not been issued yet, we can stop the construction of the last coal-fired power plant in South Korea...!🛠🚫🙏

So, I'm writing letters to financial institutions!🙌

If you get this letter, you have to pass it along. Don't ignore or throw away chain letters.😉💙

Will they answer...?

I will let you know the answer on December 17th.🤔😉

But if you want to know what's going on,

Check out http://beyondcoal.kr !