[Ins and Outs of Coal Plants] (Korea Midland Power) Boryeong Coal Power Plant (including new Boryeong Coal Power Plant)

  • DATE : 2021.04.19 16:37
  • HIT : 2,149


Boryeong, famous for its mud festival, has as many as 10 coal power plants?!😱🤦🤦‍♀️ 

But among them, the oldest Boryeong Coal Power Plant Units 1 and 2 have been shut down!🎉🎉

Greenhouse gases emitted by Boryeong Coal Power Units 1 and 2 over the past year

It is said that it was equivalent to the greenhouse gas emissions of 300 million cars🚘🚖🚔.😰

I look forward to the day when all coal power plants across the country are closed🙏