[etc] July 6, Korea Beyond Coal's Chungcheongnam-do Boryeong Campaign

  • DATE : 2023.07.14 00:00
  • HIT : 2,602


On July 6, Korea Beyond Coal gathered in Boryeong to campaign for the cancellation of the life extension of Boryeong Coal Power Plant Units 5 and 6 and the preparation of the local transition to closure.

Press conference in front of the main gate of Boryeong Coal Power Plant,

A bicycle march‍ to downtown Boryeong,

A walking march to the headquarters of Joongbu Power, and closing remarks.

We delivered our message through the campaign for a just transition beyond old coal.

To combat the climate crisis and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the lifespan of old coal power plants operating beyond their design life of 30 years should not be extended any further.

The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy's decision to unilaterally extend their lifespan through the 10th Electricity Supply and Demand Basic Plan undoes the efforts of Chungcheongnam-do to 'go coal-free' in one fell swoop. 

The closure of coal-fired power plants should be discussed and prepared with various actors, including local residents, workers, and civil society, and events should be viewed and responded to from the perspective of 'regional transformation' rather than stopping at closure.

'Korea Beyond Coal' stands with you for the early closure and just transition of Boryeong Thermal Power Plant Units 5 and 6.