[Kirini Blues] Ep 3. Kirini goes to Samcheok

  • DATE : 2020.11.20 17:50
  • HIT : 2,380


Last time, Kirini said that I would visit Samcheock!🙂💙

I was so sad to see a beach being destroyed by the construction of the coal power plant.😔🥺 I don't want to keep going on like this on anymore.

So, I visited Samcheock to ask for a stop to the construction of the coal-fired power plant with people who agree with me.🙌

We made a collective statement!✨

❗️It is time for carbon neutrality! ❗️No more coal power generation! ❗️Stop building coal power plants!

Hundreds of thousands of Korean citizens nationwide very much hope that the construction of Samcheock is stopped for all of us.🌏

I will keep taking part in the movement to stop new coal power plants not just in Samcheock but other local communities, too.🙌

Why don't you join me?😉✨