Out-of-date Shinseocheon coal plant must be shut down

  • DATE : 2022.11.02 13:36
  • HIT : 391

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Out-of-date Shinseocheon coal plant must be shut down!

On July 1, 2021, Korea Beyond Coal, Climate Strike Chungnam Action, and Seocheon Committee on Fine Dust and High-Voltage Transmission Line Damages held a press conference at the main gate of the Sinseocheon Thermal Power Plant. This is because the Sinseocheon coal plant was expected to start commercial operation for the first time among the seven new coal power plants.

After the press conference, a meeting of residents of Hongwon Village was held at a nearby Suhyup. Hongwon Village is an area where direct damage is concerned due to health problems caused by fine dust emitted from coal power plants and ultra-high-pressure power lines penetrating the village. The village has had to endure direct and indirect damage from coal power plants for more than 30 years since 1983 when the Seocheon Thermal Power Plant began to operate. At the meeting, residents who were concerned that the operation of the Sinseocheon Power Plant would worsen such problems gathered together to share their experience and seek solutions.

The government and liable entities must make sure that the sufferings of the residents are not repeated. New coal plants must be shut down early and policies must be discussed and prepared with the residents to prepare for the impact of the closure.

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